Friday, March 5, 2010

Uncle Joe...Uncle Joe!!

Hello Everyone,

Today was another quiet day in which I worked on cleaning our bathroom, and tidying up the upstairs. This is just to make the saturday cleaning a little easier tomorrow(Yes Mama V, we will clean even when your not here ;)..). I was able to play football with the kids and try to get a little color on my starch white legs. The younger ones are a lot easier to keep up with while running around barefoot.

As usual I went to pick up the older three, and on the way a bunch of neibhorhood kids ran up with the usual muzungu, muzungu. The best part was after when some of them started to call me Uncle Joe. I recognized a few of them from the Jesus film we showed, and it was so great to hear them call me by name. Maybe I am making an impact after all. Mama Christine put some pics of my house online, and it was great to see them. It made me miss the house, the snow, the church, as well as my friends and family. Hearing the children call me Uncle Joe helped to realize again that I am right where I am supposed to be.

Love and miss you all,


1 comment:

  1. You are right where you are supposed to be! What an opportunity you have. Michael is so totally jealous. Soak up every minute of African sun and love from those beautiful children. Love on them. That is what you want to leave them with...a knowing that you loved them. We love and miss you.
