Thursday, February 11, 2010

I love running!!!

Hello Everyone,

Just wanted to let you all know that my foot has healed well enough, that I was able to run this morning. I didn't go too far, but ran the loop actually faster than normal. Probably because there weren't as many kids around this morning. The run felt so good, and I really need to start adding to my miles, so that I am ready for the run this summer.

Its a great time to get out and enjoy the beautiful scenery, and of course see the people in the community. This morning when Auntie Cassey and I were heading into town to do some shopping, we saw a local child pointing at me and running in place. He was telling his friend that he saw me that morning. I really want to learn more acholi, but most people in town know enough english, that between that and my limited acholi we can communicate. Next week will be a little different however. We got word back from the local government officials that we can head to the IDP(internally displaced people's) camp next week. We are also hoping to do and outreach here in the compound at the end of the week.

I have really been wanting to get out to the camps, and hopefully we can get out to the bush to a village or too soon as well. There is a lot of poverty here, but I don't think it will really hit me until I see where people have been forced to lived because of decades of war. Countless people have been affected, and countless more here need help, and its hard sometimes not to just give to everyone who asks. However we know that we are here for these six children, and want to be the best stewards we can with what we do have. I have, and will continue to do some small stuff for our neighbors, but hopefully someday I can do more.

Until then, I will keep doing what I can, with what I have. Keep smiling and talking to the people we meet when I am running, or walking to pick the other ones up from school. Back and forth to Church, or just out for a walk with the children.

Love and miss you all,



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. There are two races Joe and you are running in both. One to stay fit for whatever God has for you here, and one that Paul writes about in 1Cor 9 where he says he runs with discipline and purpose, not aimlessly, so he might obtain the prize that lasts forever. I'd say you're doing awesome with both. BTW, I am up to 90% chance of running the 'green mountain relay' with 11 other crazy people. Have a great weekend! Luv Ya Mister!
