Saturday, January 9, 2010

It begins

Sitting in Montreal International waiting for my flight to London where I will hopefully meet up with Victoria and Cassy. Weather and delays may keep in London for a few days, but God willing we will all be on the flight tomorrow morning.

I had a great morning playing boot hockey with the Laramay's, Ryan, and Kristan(who actually scored a few goals), and already missing the cold and the snow. Looking forward to enjoying the sun with six beautiful children though. I will keep you updated, and thanks again for all your support.



  1. Of course I scored! I had a pink stick! I am sad for you to be gone for 3 months as you have been a really good friend to Gabe and I. However, I am very excited for you and cant wait to hear all about it! Praying for you!

  2. We're praying for you - Safe Travels
    Hopefully you are there by now (Wed night).
    Can't wait for your next post. We'll be thinking of you while we're skiing this friday.

  3. Boot hockey will not be the same without you!
