Tuesday, January 19, 2010

One more day!!!!

Tomorrow by this time, we should have six beautiful faces running around the compound. Today was pretty productive getting materials for some building projects for the next few months. Some of which include a chicken coop(sp?), and lot of storage shelves of varying sizes. While picking up the supplies today, a man helping us pick up the material with his truck, asked me if I was a boxer. I hope he meant that I looked strong, and not like Butterbean. ;) With all this heat, I should hopefully look a little less like him by the time I get home.........besides..........I'm not bald........well not completly anyway.

Last night I sat down to play checkers with Mike, only to realize that Ugandan checkers is much different then the checkers I am used to playing. I of course lost after finding out that you have to "eat" the opponent whenever its possible, and that the king can jump incredible distances.......maybe farther than Superman himself. Well then came my turn to teach him how to play checkers with my rules. Well lets just say that it didn't turn out the same way........instead he creamed me. Oh well, I guess I don't really need my ego anyway.

I can't wait to update everyone on the kids tomorrow night. I was replying to a message from someone today, and she had asked me what I can see out my window. Of course right now its after dark, so all I can see is the spotlight on the far side of the compound, and reflections off the razor wire on top the walls. But during the day, I can see several mud huts, a field, dirt roads, children laughing and playing, people working, and walking about. Best of all is listening to the children laugh. Even now, I can hear a giggle every now and then, and its amazing that something so simple can bring so much joy. A baby falling asleep in your arms, the laughter of children, the beauty of a star filled night sky, a good conversation with a friend.......the best things in life truly are free.

Love and miss you all,



  1. It's true. The best things in life are free. Like good, solid friendships. Praying for you and missing you. So excited for what God is doing in your life. You will never be the same after this experience.

  2. Joeeeeeeeeeee I miss you running buddy. (My running buddy not PD's even though he likes to claim you....punk) Anyways I can't wait to hear about the your times with the kids. Love on them Joe. Praying for you constantly.

  3. So true Joe, and it is a message we all need to hear. Thanks for commissioning Kristan to find a run in April we can do, buddy, Look forward to your posts after meeting and loving on the kids. Love Ya Joe!
