Friday, April 2, 2010

I miss Gulu

Hello Everyone,

Well the good news is that we finally have the van, but its in the shop getting some work done. Which means that I won't be heading back to Gulu until probably Monday. I really am not happy about spending my last two weeks in Uganda here in Kampala, but it will be worth it in the long run.

I really miss the kids and the community and it stinks that I won't really have time to say goodbye to everyone.

I hope that you all have a wonderful Easter weekend. Guess I will have to wait til next year to spend it with family.

Love and miss you all,



  1. Aw, Joe, what a disappointment. I am so sorry you are missing out on time with those beautiful kiddos.We are looking forward to having you home, although I fear it will be an adjustment for you. I think Africa has made it's place in your heart...and I know the kids have. Love you!

  2. That must leave you feeling so frustrated. I know you must covet every moment with the kids now as you think of your imminent departure . . . As hard as it is for you, you have learned how to move. I imagine it will be truly heart-wrenching for the kids to lose you. May God's grace sustain you all in the transition.
